Engine Transaction analytics added & Transaction History UI improved
Manan Tank
New chains: Sei Testnet, Sei Mainnet, Viction Testnet, Eclipse Testnet, Flow Testnet, Rivalz, Rivalz2, Ouroboro
.NET/Unity - Enhancing In-App & Ecosystem Wallet Authentication Methods & Compatibility
Nebula v0.0.4: TypeScript SDK, Example Template, Bug Fixes & Improvements
Jake Loo
Samina Kabir
Nebula TypeScript SDK (Beta)
Joaquim Verges
Backend Engine Account Support in TS SDK v5.84.0
Joaquim Verges
Engine v2.1.25: Transaction Batching & Atomic Operations
Prithvish Baidya
Contract Analytics powered by thirdweb Insight in dashboard
Manan Tank
Multichain queries with Insight API
Insight expands chain support
Toomas Oosalu
Nebula Update v0.0.3: Contract deployment, multi-messages, product knowledge, and Eliza plugin
Jake Loo
Unity v5.15.0 - Server Side Magic
Engine v2.1.24: Sponsored Transaction Mode
Prithvish Baidya
.NET/Unity - RPC Overrides, AutoConnect & Extensions
Introducing Backend Wallets
Winston Yeo
EIP-7702 Support
Account Abstraction Improvements
.NET/Unity - Account Unlinking, EIP-7702 Experiment & Various Utils & New APIs
Thirdweb wallets - unlink and custom session expiration
Winston Yeo
Engine - Nonce management improvements
Phillip Ho
In-app & smart wallet wagmi connector
Joaquim Verges
Get the Current Auth Provider
Publish with contract references
Yash Kumar
Engine - Security updates + more
Phillip Ho
Insight v0.0.8-beta
Toomas Oosalu
BETA Support for ERC-7579 Modular Smart Accounts
Joaquim Verges
Instant sign in for smart accounts with ERC-6492
Joaquim Verges
New chains: Appchain, Metal L2 Testnet, Metal L2, XSolla Testnet, Funki Sepolia, Sanko, Dos Testnet, Dos Mainnet, Bob, Bob Sepolia
.NET/Unity - ERC-6492 Support & Other Improvements
TS - TokenPaymasters: pay for gas with Lisk LSK, Base USDC or Celo CUSD
Unreal Engine SDK 1.8.0 - Marketplace Engine Features
Nicholas St. Germain
Engine v2.1.8 - Troubleshoot webhooks, estimate low funds, + more
Phillip Ho
Engine - Upgrade to a specific version
Phillip Ho
.NET/Unity - Steam Login & TokenPaymasters: pay for gas with Lisk LSK, Base USDC or Celo CUSD!
Wallet pregeneration, now even more flexible
Winston Yeo
Insight supports new chains
Amine Afia
Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis: Steam Auth Now Available in the thirdweb SDK
New chains: Etherlink, Etherlink Testnet, Lisk Mainnet, Zero Mainnet, Cronos zkEVM Testnet, Cronos zkEVM
.NET/Unity - NFT Metadata Improvements & Bugfixes
Interact with Modular Contracts on dashboard
Samina Kabir
Stanley Szeto
So Fresh and So Clean: New Dashboard Analytics
New chains: Metis Sepolia, Metis Andromeda, Donatuz Testnet, Zero Sepolia, Blast Mainnet, Pivotal Sepolia, Skopje Testnet, GPT, Superseed & Geist
Enclaves and Faster In App Wallets.
Winston Yeo
New Teams and Projects Dashboard
Manan Tank
.NET/Unity - Better DX and Customization
Unreal Engine SDK 1.7.0 - Transaction Info & General Improvements
Nicholas St. Germain
.NET/Unity - In-App Wallet Infra Upgrade & More
Engine v2.1.0: Smart Backend Wallets
Prithvish Baidya
Insight v0.0.6-beta
New Connect Analytics Dashboard
Joaquim Verges
Unreal Engine SDK 1.6.0 - Contract Interaction
Nicholas St. Germain
New Pay with Crypto UI
Joaquim Verges
Unity 5.7.0 - DX Improvements
New chains: Immutable zkEVM, Immutable zkEVM Testnet & Ozean Testnet
.NET/Unity - New Login Methods, Better Account Abstraction Config
Smart Account and Custom Auth for Ecosystem Wallets
Joaquim Verges
New chains: World Chain, Aavegotchi Polter, Treasure Topaz and Superseed testnet
Joaquim Verges
Insight v0.0.4-beta
Toomas Oosalu
Twitch Authentication
Unreal Engine SDK 1.5.0 - Link Wallet, Dynamic Nodes and AsyncTasks
Nicholas St. Germain
Engine: Supercharged KMS Performance for AWS and GCP
Prithvish Baidya
Engine - AA account salt, new API reference, retry errors, + bugfixes
Phillip Ho
Insight v0.0.3-beta
Toomas Oosalu
v1.0.0 release of Modular Contracts
Stanley Szeto
Connect to 300+ mobile wallets from React Native connect UI
Joaquim Verges
.NET/Unity - Marketplace Extensions
Introducing Teams and Projects Dashboard (Beta)
Manan Tank
Link web2 & web3 profiles in React, updated playground
Joaquim Verges
Insight API improvements
Amine Afia
Contract Service reliability and performance improvements
Insight v0.0.2-beta
Toomas Oosalu
Engine - Setting Max Gas + Timeouts
Phillip Ho
.NET/Unity - Account Abstraction, Social Profiles and Account Linking Updates
Unreal Engine SDK 1.4.0 - Ecosystem Wallets
Nicholas St. Germain
Engine updates - instant version updates, improved API validation, withdraws + more
Phillip Ho
thirdweb Insight Beta Release
Toomas Oosalu
Ecosystem Wallets available in React Native
Joaquim Verges
Enhanced resolution for contracts with composite ABI
.NET/Unity - General Improvements
Updates to ZkSync contract deployments
Yash Kumar
Engine: Parse Transaction Logs
Prithvish Baidya
Engine - Introducing Alert Notifications
Phillip Ho
Enclave Wallets, Coinbase Login, and So. Much. More.
Unreal Engine SDK 1.3.0 - Quality Of Life Improvements
Nicholas St. Germain
.NET/Unity - Ecosystem Wallet Migration, Stability & Speed
Persistent Smart Contract metadata
Smart Contracts audited by 0xMacro
Stanley Szeto
Guest Accounts
Unified Interface for Cross-Chain Functionality
Stanley Szeto
Admin Wallet Hooks, New Marketplace Extensions, and more
API Key Settings Page UI Revamp
Manan Tank
RPC Edge Enhancements
Toomas Oosalu
.NET/Unity - Login with X
Unreal Engine SDK 1.2.0 - Additional Platform Support
Nicholas St. Germain
X Authentication
LINE Auth, Fetch Users by Email, Contract Deploy Salts, and More
Modular Contracts Beta Update
Samina Kabir
Dashboard UI Improvements
Manan Tank
The Pinnacle of Account Systems Has Been Reached
Wallet Social Profiles in Dashboard
Jonas Daniels