Insight v0.0.2-beta

Version v0.0.2-beta brings with it many reliability improvements to make it more robust and fault-tolerant.
- Added the `poller_last_triggered_block` metric to enhance visibility into poller activity and ensure better progress tracking.
- Enhanced poller logging to report the number of blocks being polled and improved robustness with dynamic slice allocation in serialization.
- Changed the `logs` table engine to `ReplacingMergeTree` for broader compatibility.
- Refined gap detection and handling by introducing a new `handleGap` function, enhancing logging for better gap visibility, and ensuring block failures are recorded for missing blocks.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect poll gaps when `pollUntilBlock` is configured.
- Fixed block number handling to improve metric precision, eliminating the need for temporary division workarounds.
- Removed database prefixes from table creation scripts to allow flexible database organization.
What's next?
Next release will introduce reorg handling which will ensure data reliability for Insight.